Bayl Building Designers

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Helpful hint #2 'What you need to have for the design phase'

The most complex part of the project is always the design phase. Once this is over the drafting of the plans for Council submission are, under normal circumstances, a streamlined process.

What is the design phase and what should you expect?

The design phase is the time that a designer invests in you. Yes, you - of course that involves the future building but ultimately if it doesn’t fit you, you’ll never feel completely comfortable! Just as a side note, we strongly encourage all to find a designer that you connect with and feel comfortable with, sharing similar values.

The design phase is more than just organising a layout of rooms in a logical order. It involves:

  • Understanding your pace of life and life style choice,

  • Understanding the environment that surrounds your project

  • Integrating flow through out the project to ensure liveability

  • Understanding how the spaces feel when placed together

  • And of course, incorporating restrictions, ie. budget and council development control plans.

What should I bring to your first consult with your designer?

If you are pushed for time or just want to be ensure you are getting the best results for your money with your designer, plan ahead and come to your first consultation with the following items.

  • A copy of the Sale of Contract

  • Site Survey (including the contours of the land and the positions of 1) any existing trees/vegetation, or 2) structures that will remain, ie. sheds/retaining walling.

  • Photos of the existing site taken from the centre of the block looking towards the following orientations - N, S, E, W. or a panoramic photo of the block incorporating the site N - W - S and the opposite view, N - E - S.

  • Photos of views that you would like to capture in your project and a general note on their orientation, ie. S or SW.

  • A list of items you like and dislike about your current dwelling, or places you have lived in within the recent past.

  • A list of current living habits with a hierarchy ie. needs vs. wants.

  • A write up about you as a person - ie. Are you early risers or late risers? What does your standard week look like? What does your eating schedule look like? What does your entertainment schedule look like? Movies or theatre, restaurants or home entertainers? Hobbies? Basically any information that you would like us to take into consideration in the design process. Even photos of artworks that you would like to take into your next home!

  • A list of the rooms that you would like to incorporate in your new dwelling apart from the basics (which would include Kitchen, Living, Bathroom, Laundry and Master Bed).

  • A figure for your budget. These days buildings can be quoted on a square metre rate of $2700-3000/m2. If you have another square metre rate from a builder please bring the email with that amount confirmed by the prospective builder.

  • Design ideas in the form of pictures, sketches or the like.

We hope this information helps you help us!